“ESPACIO MT , founded by Miguelangel Troccoli in 2010, is a creative studio formed by a group of experts in Interior desing, retail, contract and computer graphics that use the most advanced 3D technology to create digital graphics and animation. We take great care in detail and we stay on top to provide every possible solution that adapts to the individual needs of our clients.”
Miguelangel Troccoli graduated in Industrial Design in Caracas, where he begins his career. He then moves to Milan to attend a Masters Program in Interior desing , Product Design and Computer Graphics in 2002.
Discovering the great masters of design, he becomes immersed in the italian style through the teachings of Piero Lissoni. He experiments during his ongoing, personal research and participates in the Sasmil on 2004, the SaloneSatellite in 2008 and the Milan Design Week in 2014. From 2003-2010 he collaborates with the Bello Dias studio where he specializes in 3D graphics and rendering.
In 2010, he opens his own studio as a consultant for Architectural Visualization for several studios, arquitects and construction companies, both national and international.